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一、請在使用 Herowatch 產品和服務前仔細閱讀以下條款:


1、Herowatch 產品和服務的所有權及解釋權歸 Herowatch所有。如果您使用此服務或完成註冊過程,則表示您認可或接受所有條款內容。

2、使用者應提供真實的個人資訊。如果提供的個人資訊不準確,Herowatch 將不會對基於不準確資訊分析的不準確數據負責。




hero 認為透明是維護任何健康關系的關鍵。我們全心全意只為健康。感謝您對我們的信任,向我們提供您的重要資訊。關於如何使用您的資訊,我們也會保持透明。
















如果您將您在服務上的帳戶連接到其他服務上的帳戶,我們會從其他服務收到資訊。例如,如果您連接到 Facebook 或 Google 帳戶,我們會收到您的姓名、資料頭像、年齡範圍、語言、郵箱位址和好友清單等資訊。您也可授權我們訪問您來自其他服務的運動或活動資料。您還可取消我們對其他服務的訪問權,停止共用其他服務的資訊。



如果您在我們的網站上購買 Herowatch商品,您需要提供付款資訊,包括您的姓名、信用卡或借記卡卡號、卡到期日、CVV 編號和賬單地址。我們不保存該付款資訊。我們保存您的配送位址以便完成您的訂單。請注意,協力廠商支付處理器可能會根據其隱私政策和條款保留此類資訊。




您的設備會收集資料,預測各種指標,例如您的步數以及位置。所收集的資料因您使用的設備不同而不同。詳細瞭解我們各種設備的功能以及使用 MobileTrack 的方法。在您通過應用或軟體同步您的設備時,您的設備上記錄的資料會從您的設備傳輸到我們的伺服器中。



服務包括採用了精確定位資料的功能,包括 GPS 信號、設備感測器、Wi-Fi 接入點和手機信號塔 ID。您授權我們訪問您的位置,我們即可收集到此類資料。您可通過設置您的 Herowatch 設備或移動設備取消我們的訪問權。我們還可通過您的 IP 地址獲取您的大概位置。



您訪問或使用我們的服務時,我們會收到相關使用資料。這包括您與服務的互動資訊,例如:當您查看或搜索內容、安裝應用或軟體、創建或登錄您的帳戶、將設備與您的帳戶配對或在您的 Herowatch設備上打開某一應用或與其互動時。



如果我們收集的資訊為健康資料或符合歐盟《通用資料保護條例》(“GDPR”) 的其他特殊類別的個人資訊,我們會要求您明確同意處理資料。需要您採取行動促成我們獲得資料時(例如,當您將設備與您的帳戶配對,授權我們從其他服務訪問您的鍛煉或活動資料,或使用女性健康跟蹤功能時),我們會單獨獲得此同意。您可以使用您的帳戶設置和工具以隨時撤銷您的同意,包括停止使用某項功能,取消我們對協力廠商服務的存取權限,取消配對設備或刪除您的資料或帳戶。







 通過使用我們所收集的資訊,我們能夠向您提供服務並遵守我們與您的服務條款合約。例如,我們需要使用您的資訊為您提供 Herowatch 控制台,以跟蹤您的鍛煉、活動和其他趨勢;實現服務的社區功能;並給予您客戶支援。










我們使用 Cookie 和類似技術來實現上述目的。更多資訊,請閱讀我們的 Cookie 使用說明。


對於 GDPR 下轄的個人資訊,我們基於幾項法律依據來處理資料。這些包括當您給予您的同意時(您可以隨時使用您的帳戶設置和其他工具撤銷同意);當處理資料為與您訂立合同(如服務條款)所必需時;以及我們的合法商業利益,例如改進、定制和開發服務,銷售您可能感興趣的新功能或產品,以及促進上述安全。

























• 如果您選擇刪除您的帳戶,請注意,雖然大部分資訊將在 30 天內被刪除,但最多可能需要 90 天時間才能刪除所有資訊,例如您的 Herowatch設備所記錄的資料和存儲在我們備份系統中的其他資料。這是由於我們用來存儲資料的系統的大小和複雜性而決定的。我們也可能出於法律原因或防止傷害的目的而保留資料,包括資訊的共用方式部分中所述的內容。


 反對資料的使用。我們向您提供帳戶設置和工具以控制我們的資料使用。例如,通過隱私設置,您可以限制您的資訊如何顯示給服務上的其他使用者;通過通知設置,您可以限制接收我們發送的通知;此外在應用程式設置下,您還可以撤銷對之前連接到您 Herowatch帳戶的協力廠商應用程式的存取權限。您也可以隨時使用 Herowatch 應用程式從帳戶中取消您的設備配對。

如果您居住在指定國家,在某些情況下,您可以反對我們基於我們的合法利益處理您的資訊,包括資訊的使用方式部分所述的情況。您有權反對將您的資訊用於直接行銷目的。請參見您的通知設置,以控制我們向您提供的有關 Herowatch 產品的行銷資訊。此外,請查看我們的Cookie 的使用聲明,以便選擇控制我們和我們的合作夥伴如何使用 cookie 和類似技術用於廣告。










我們與合作夥伴合作,他們為我們提供分析和廣告服務。包括説明我們瞭解使用者如何與服務互動、以我們的名義在互聯網發佈廣告以及評測這些廣告的效果。這些公司可利用 Cookie 和類似技術收集您與服務、其他網站和應用互動相關的資訊。如需更多資訊以及瞭解您的隱私權選項,請閱讀我們的 Cookie 使用說明。






請注意,我們業務所在國家的隱私和資料保護法律可能與您所在的國家有所不同,並且其保護程度可能低於您所在國家的法律。您在創建 Herowatch 帳戶時,既已同意承擔這一風險,無論您居住在哪個國家。如果您在未來希望撤銷您的同意,您可以按照您訪問和控制您個人資料的權利部分所述的內容刪除您的 Herowatch 帳戶。



Herowatch 保留更改產品及服務內策的權利。我們對本政策進行重大修改前會通知您,並給予您查看修改後的政策的機會,然後您可決定是否繼續使用服務。



如對本政策或我們使用您資訊的情況有何疑問、建議或疑慮,請通過 聯繫我們。

Privacy Policy

Introduction and overview

Your trust is very important to us. We are well aware of the importance of personal information to you. We will take corresponding security protection measures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and try our best to protect your personal information in a safe and controllable manner.

This privacy policy explains how we collects, uses, shares and processes your information and your rights and choices related to that information.

This privacy policy applies to all personal information collected in any written, electronic and oral communication, or personal information collected online or offline, including: our website and any other emails.

Before accessing or using our services, please read and understand this policy carefully. If you cannot agree to this policy, please do not access or use our services. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can temporarily stop using it and contact us through our published contact information. When you use the services we provide, it means that you have agreed to our collection, processing, storage, use and protection of your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

The right to modify this policy: We can modify this policy at any time without notice, and the changes may apply to any personal information we already hold about you, as well as any new personal information collected after the modification. If we make changes, we will notify you by modifying the effective date or the last modified date at the top of this policy. If we make any major changes to the way we collect, use or disclose your personal information that affects your rights under this policy, we will notify you in advance.

Instant information: In addition, we may provide you with real-time disclosure or additional information about the personal information handling practices of certain parts of our services. Such notices may supplement this policy or provide you with other choices about how we handle your personal information.

This privacy policy section will help you understand the following:

1. How we collect and use your personal information

2. How do we use cookies and similar technologies

3. How do we protect your information

4. How do you manage your information

5. Contact us


1. How we collect and use your personal information

We respect the privacy of our website visitors and users of our products and services, and we are committed to protecting their privacy by complying with this policy. In order to improve service quality and user experience, we will retain information about your service use and related usage methods. The functions of different products are different. The collection of fields depends on your system. The information is explained as follows:

(1) Personal information you actively provide in the process of providing you with products or services

In order to realize the business functions of website, we need to collect your personal information. The personal information you actively provide during the process of products or services will be listed below in order to realize the basic business functions of website and what needs to be collected to realize this function. Personal information. If you refuse to provide the personal information collected to realize a certain function, you cannot use the business function. Please note that if you provide personal information of another person, please ensure that you have obtained the authorization of the relevant subject.

1. Member service: In order to register as a member and use our member service, you need to provide your company name, name, collection, contact person, and email address to create a platform account. If you only need to use browsing and search services, you do not need to register as our member and provide the above information.

We mainly collect your company information (company name, company business license, unified social credit code, company contact address, phone number, fax, main products, company description), account information (contact, email address, mobile phone) and released products information. We may combine and manage subscriptions based on one or more of the above options in order to provide you with page displays and recommend personalized content that better suits your needs.

The purpose of collecting this information is to implement the terms of service of website and provide you with the services we promised, so that potential partners or our staff can contact you in time, facilitate the conclusion of trade cooperation, or solve possible problems The problem. You can log in to the background to modify some of the above contents through your email or login name.

2. Company and product information: You need to provide your company name, company business license, unified social credit code, your or company contact information, product detailed information, so that potential partners or our staff can get it from you in time Contact to facilitate the conclusion of trade cooperation or solve possible problems.

Email: When you send emails or other communications to our website, we will keep these communications in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests and provide you with better services.

(2) Personal information that we actively collect and use in providing products or services to you

During your use of our services, in order to identify the abnormal status of your account, understand the suitability of the product, and provide you with page displays and search results that are more suitable for your needs, we may automatically collect your usage and store it as web log information. include:

1. Equipment information: We will receive and record the equipment-related information you use (including but not limited to equipment model, operating system version, equipment settings, IP address, operator information), equipment Information about your location.

2. Service log information: When you use the products or services provided on our website, we will automatically collect your detailed usage of our services and save it as a service log, including but not limited to browsing, clicking to view, and following sharing information.

(3) Other uses

To provide you with services, improve our service quality, and optimize your service experience, we will use your personal information in compliance with legal regulations or under your authorization

1. We may use your personal information to verify your identity, prevent, detect, and investigate possible fraud, endangering security, illegal or violating our or affiliate agreements, policies or rules, to protect you, other users, The legitimate rights and interests of us or related parties.

2. Let you participate in surveys about our products and services to improve your user experience and improve the quality of our services.

3. Other purposes approved or authorized by you.


2. How do we use cookies and other tracking technologies

(1) Cookie

In order to ensure the normal operation of the website, provide you with a more relaxed visit experience, and recommend you content that may be of interest to you, we will store cookies, Flash cookies, or other identifiers provided by your browser on your computer or mobile device , Site name, and local storage of some numbers and characters (collectively referred to as "Cookies"). With the help of cookies, websites can store data such as your preferences.

If your browser or browser additional services allow it, you can modify your acceptance of cookies or reject our cookies. But if you do this, in some cases, it may affect your safe access to our website, and you may need to change your user settings every time you visit our website.

(2) Other tracking technologies

The pages of our website and our emails may contain small electronic files called web beacons. For example, these files allow us to count the users who have visited or opened these pages. Email and other related website conversion statistics.


3. How do we protect your information

(1) To protect your information security, we strive to adopt various physical, electronic, and management security measures that meet industry standards to protect your personal information and prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, and Use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no personal information is collected that has nothing to do with the realization of service functions.

(2) The information and data about you collected by website may be stored and processed at the location of our company and/or our affiliated companies, or may be stored and processed at the subject that we believe is necessary to know such information. handle. When you cancel your account, we will delete your personal information.

Unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, we will only retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the purpose, and delete or anonymize your personal information after the above retention time is exceeded.

(3) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. We strongly recommend that you use a secure method and use a complex password to help us ensure the security of your account.

The Internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

(4) After the unfortunate occurrence of an information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and you can independently prevent and reduce Risk suggestions, remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you about the incident by email, letter, telephone, and push notification. When it is difficult to inform the information subject one by one, we will adopt a reasonable and effective way to issue an announcement.

(5) Sharing information

We respect your information privacy and will never share our customers' personal information with any third party.


4. How do you manage your information

We attach great importance to your attention to personal information, and do our best to protect your rights to inquire, correct, delete, cancel your account, and withdraw your consent to your personal information, so that you have sufficient ability to protect your privacy and security.

You can access and manage your information in the following ways:

(1) Query, correct and supplement your information

You have the right to inquire, correct or supplement your information. You can do it yourself in the following ways:

You can view, modify and supplement your personal information in personal information-basic information and store management-contact information after logging in to your account on the computer.

(2) Delete your information

You can delete part of your information in the manner listed in "(1) Inquiry, Correction and Supplement of Your Information". In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:

1. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

2. If we collect and use your personal information without obtaining your explicit consent;

3. If our handling of personal information seriously violates our agreement with you;

4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you voluntarily cancel your account;

5. If we no longer provide you with products or services forever.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the subjects who obtained your personal information from us as much as possible at the same time, and require them to delete it in time (unless laws and regulations provide otherwise, or these subjects have independently obtained your authorization) .

When you or we assist you in deleting relevant information, due to applicable laws and security technologies, we may not be able to delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately. We will safely store your personal information and further process and isolate it. Until the backup can be cleared or achieved anonymity.

(3) Cancel your account

You can contact online customer service or call the customer service hotline for help to assist you in applying for cancellation of your account.

After you actively cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, delete your personal information or make it anonymized in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws.

​User Agreement

​We hereby remind you (user) that before registering as a user, please read this platform user service agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") carefully to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this agreement. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not to accept this agreement. Unless you accept all terms of this agreement, you have no right to register, log in or use the services covered by this agreement. Your registration, login, use, etc. will be regarded as acceptance of this agreement, and you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between the platform and users regarding the app (hereinafter referred to as the app) software services (hereinafter referred to as "services"). "Users" refer to individuals or related users who register, log in, and use the services of this APP. This agreement may be updated by the APP software system operating background and the team at any time. Once the updated terms of the agreement are announced, they will replace the original terms of the agreement without prior notice. Users can check the latest version of the terms of the agreement in this APP, and also remind users Pay attention to the update of this APP user agreement at any time to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and disputes. After revising the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the revised terms, please stop using the services provided by this APP immediately, and the user's continued use of the services provided by this APP will be deemed to accept the revised agreement.


Ⅰ. Basic requirements for user account registration

1. Users need to register a personal account before using this service. The account should be registered with a mobile phone number. Users are requested to use a mobile phone number that has not been bound to this account or a mobile phone number that has not been banned by the team according to this agreement to register the account. The team can change the method of account registration and binding according to user needs or product needs without prior notice to users.

2. In view of the use characteristics of this APP product, users should authorize the disclosure and use of their personal information when registering to successfully register an account. Therefore, when the user completes the registration, it means that the user agrees to the APP and the team to extract, disclose and use the user's information.

3. In view of the binding registration method of this APP account, you agree to allow your mobile phone number and mobile device identification code to be used for registration during registration.

4. When the user registers and uses the APP services, it is necessary to collect personal information that can identify the user so that the team can contact the user when necessary, or provide the user with a better user experience. The collected information includes, but is not limited to, the user's name, mobile phone number and other basic information, and the user agrees that the use of such information will be subject to the constraints of Article 2 on the protection of the user's personal privacy information.


Ⅱ. Protection of users' personal privacy information

1. If the APP running background and the team find or receive reports from others or complain that the user violates this agreement, the team has the right to report relevant content at any time without notice within 24 hours after receiving the report, including but not limited to users. Data, uploading and posting records will be reviewed and deleted, and violating accounts will be punished, including but not limited to warnings, account bans, device bans, and function bans, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, and users do not need to be notified of the processing results.

2. Users who have been banned for violating the user agreement can contact the backend of the APP or the public way of the team. Among them, users who have been banned from functions will automatically resume the banned functions after the ban period expires. Banned users can submit an appeal, and the APP background or the team will review the appeal and decide whether to change the punishment measures at their own reasonable judgment.

3. The user understands and agrees that the backend of the APP and the team have the right to impose penalties on violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement according to reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant laws and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations. Information is reported to relevant departments, etc., and users shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

4. The user understands and agrees that any claims, demands or losses claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney fees, caused or incurred due to the user's violation of this agreement, the user shall be responsible for the team, cooperative companies, affiliates and other related parties. compensation and hold it harmless.


Ⅲ. User content specification

1. The user use content mentioned in this article refers to any content made, uploaded, copied, published, or disseminated by the user in the process of using the APP, including but not limited to account avatar, name, user description and other registration information and authentication materials, or Text (including word art), symbols, logos, voice, pictures, (custom) photos, videos (including short videos made or uploaded by users, etc.), graphics, models, images and their combined content, etc. Send, reply or automatically reply to messages and related linked pages, and other content generated by the use of this account or this APP service.

2. Users shall not use this account or this APP service to create, upload, copy, publish, and disseminate content prohibited by the following laws, regulations and policies:

(1) Violating the basic principles established by the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;

(5) Undermining the state's religious policy and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability;

(7) Inducing minors to commit crimes and spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crimes;

(8) Insulting or slandering others and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others;

(9) Endangering social morality and harming the fine cultural traditions of the nation;

(10) Illegal video content provided by illegal radio and television channels and audio-visual program websites;

(11) Other contents prohibited by relevant laws, administrative regulations and state regulations.

3. Users shall not use this account or this APP service to create, upload, copy, publish, and disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of this APP and infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:

(1) contains any sexual or sexual innuendo;

(2) Contains abusive, intimidating and threatening content;

(3) Contains harassment, spam, malicious information, and deceptive information;

(4) Involving the privacy, personal information or materials of others;

(5) Infringing on other legal rights such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, business secrets, etc.;

(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this APP service and infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

4. The user shall not reproduce, copy, sell, resell or use any part of this service or the use or acquisition of this service for any other commercial purpose.

5. Users must bear legal responsibility for their behaviors in the process of using this APP service. The forms of the user's legal responsibility include but are not limited to: compensation for the infringed, and after the team first assumes the legal responsibility for administrative penalties or infringement damages caused by its user behavior, the user should give the team an equal amount of compensation , and other losses suffered by the team as a result.


Ⅳ. Rules for users to use APP

1. Any content transmitted or published by users in the use of this APP service or through this APP does not reflect or represent, and shall not be deemed to reflect or represent the views, positions or policies of the team to which this APP belongs (hereinafter referred to as the team). , the team does not take any responsibility for this.

2. Users are not allowed to use this account or this APP service to do the following:

(1) Submitting or publishing false information, or stealing other people's pictures or materials, impersonating or using the name of others;

(2) Force or induce other users to pay attention, click on linked pages or share information;

(3) Fabricating facts or concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

(4) Using technical means to create fake accounts in batches;

(5) Use this account or this APP service to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;

(6) Making, publishing, or operating or disseminating methods and tools related to the above acts, whether or not these acts are for commercial purposes;

(7) Other acts that violate laws and regulations, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of this APP and its affiliated companies, or are not expressly authorized by this APP.

(8) If the user has not logged in to use the app for a long time, the team award will be deemed that the user has given up using the app, and the team has the right to delete the user's login account.

3. The user shall be solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, innocence, accuracy and validity of the information transmitted by using this account or the APP service, and any legal responsibility related to the information transmitted by the user shall be borne by the user. It has nothing to do with this APP and this team. If any damage is caused to the APP, the team or any third party, the user shall compensate according to the law, and the team will retain all legal and economic responsibilities of the relevant users and users.

4. The APP services provided by the team may include advertisements, and the user agrees to display the advertisements provided by the team and third-party suppliers and partners during use. Except as expressly provided by laws and regulations, the user shall be responsible for the transactions conducted in accordance with the advertising information, and the team shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the user due to the transactions conducted in accordance with the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers. 


V. Statement on the protection of intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests

1. The uploading and using functions of this APP are designed to provide services for the user's own creation or enjoyment of works from legal sources. This APP and our team respect the intellectual property rights and legitimate rights and interests of others, please ensure that you have the copyright of the uploaded content and the right of information network communication or have obtained the permission of all the above-mentioned rights holders before uploading the relevant content.

2. In the process of uploading to this APP and using this APP service, the user agrees that this APP and our team have free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully sublicensed rights worldwide and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, transmit, perform and display such content (in whole or in part), and/or incorporate such content into currently known or in any other form, media or technology developed later.

3. Users should ensure that the relevant content uploaded has obtained the permission of the person being photographed (if any), and ensure that the content of the work does not infringe on the personal rights of others, including but not limited to the right of reputation, portrait, privacy, and name. any copyright disputes.


Ⅵ. Service Risk Statement

1. The user fully understands and agrees that this APP service involves Internet and mobile communication services and may be affected by unstable factors in various links. Therefore, there is a risk of service interruption or failure to meet user requirements due to the above-mentioned force majeure, computer virus or hacker attack, system instability, user location, user shutdown, GSM network, Internet network, communication lines, etc. Users who use this service must bear the above risks. The team does not guarantee the timeliness, security, and accuracy of the service. As a result, users cannot send and receive messages, or transmit errors. No responsibility for other issues. The APP and the team will not be responsible for the loss, loss or service stoppage of the user data caused by force majeure or the fault of the APP and the team.

2. For system failures that affect the normal operation of the APP service, the team promises to deal with them in a timely manner and repair them as much as possible. However, the team does not assume any responsibility for the economic and spiritual losses caused by the user. In addition, this APP reserves the right to suspend any part or all of this APP service for optimization, upgrade or other purposes without prior notice.

3. This APP and our team solemnly remind you that any relevant content uploaded through this APP service is the responsibility of the account owner. The team cannot control the content uploaded through the APP service, nor can it fully control the user's use behavior, so it does not guarantee the legality, correctness, integrity, authenticity or quality of the content; you have predicted that when you use the APP service , may be exposed to unpleasant, inappropriate or disgusting content, and agree to make their own judgments and assume all risks without relying on the APP and the team. However, in any case, the APP and the team have the right to stop the transmission of any of the aforementioned content and take corresponding actions, including but not limited to suspending the user's use of all or part of the functions of the APP service, keeping relevant records, and reporting to the relevant authorities. The backend of the APP and the team have the right (but not the obligation) to reject and delete any content that can be provided through the APP service that violates these terms or that is objectionable to the APP or other users at its own discretion.

4. The user fully understands and agrees that if a third party uploads your work to this APP without your knowledge or consent and any actions that may infringe your rights and interests arising therefrom, this APP and The team is not responsible for anyone.

5. The user fully understands and agrees that third parties can access the relevant information on this APP and use the information. Neither the APP nor the team shall be liable to anyone for any use by users or third parties that may infringe your rights and interests.

6. The user fully understands and agrees that the team and the APP are resolute and have zero tolerance for any controversial content that appears during the user's use of the APP or the user itself, and promise to deal with it seriously once found, including but not It is limited to deleting the content posted by the user, banning or canceling the user's personal account, and providing their account and personal information to the relevant departments. In this regard, the team and this APP have the right to independently identify the relevant disputed content and the user in dispute. Once the user uses this APP, it is deemed to unconditionally accept the constraints and provisions of these terms.


Ⅶ. Other tips

1. The team solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt the APP and the team from the responsibility and limit the rights of users. Users are requested to read carefully, consider and identify relevant risks independently. Minors should read this agreement and use the APP services accompanied by their legal guardians.

2. The validity, interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If there is any dispute or dispute between the user and the APP and the team, it should be resolved through friendly negotiation first. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the jurisdiction of the people's court where the team resides. The team has the right to initiate necessary criminal and civil legal procedures, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the team, and investigate the legal responsibility of illegal users.

3. If any clause of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining clauses are still valid and binding on both parties.

4. The failure of the APP software and the team to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of this service agreement does not constitute a waiver of the aforementioned rights or other rights.

5. For matters not covered in this agreement, the backend of this APP and the team will update or supplement the relevant content of this agreement from time to time. The updated and supplementary terms are inseparable from this agreement.

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